Affiliate Link Cloaking – A Follow Up

I got quite a few emails around the How To Effectively Cloak Affiliate Links post I recently made citing some other sources and techniques to cloak affiliate links. A couple of them were so good I decided to write a quick follow up to let you all know too. Firstly a guy over at…

Advanced Web Ranking

As it turns out it offers an absolutely immense set of tools with which to find and monitor keywords. If anything I think that the actual amount of information available might even be overwhelming. I must admit to being a bit of a shoot first read insructions later kind of person when it comes to…

Keyword Research Importance

Think about this for a moment. If you have someone asking for advice for their new website and they are in the creative agency business you might have a couple of immediate suggestions. for this example we will use: creative digital agency creative digital team Now dependant on the person or some other factor and…